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Bluetooth Logo
Bluetooth Logo
Bluetooth is a wireless data transfer network that is primarily used for wireless mobile devices. Bluetooth, just like WiFi is restricted in how far away it can talk to other devices (sometimes as little as 15ft), and when enabled on some mobile systems, can drastically affect battery life. Unlike WiFi, Bluetooth is not designed to transmit high rates of data and thus its main commercial use is to transfer audio information.

Bluetooth is a very easy network to use, since the detection, negotiation, and connection of a device are almost always automated. Bluetooth can be used for robotic applications and is available on the Lego Mindstorm NXT, various Roomba / RS-232 dongles (such as the RooTooth), video game controllers such as the Nintendo Wii, and tons of mobile phones, laptops, tablets, and headsets, etc.. Bluetooth is extremely simple to implement and with such widespread support, makes it a very attractive way to communicate to or between robots.

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