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Roomba SCI Stop Working After Fail Safe


I’ve successfully managed to drive my iRobot Create for a while, until it hits something that causes the fail-safe mechanism to be activated.
After the activation of the fail-safe mechanism, SCI commands are ignored.

Why is it happening?


Activation of the fail-safe mechanism puts your Roomba/Create into a “Passive mode”, which ignores the driving commands.

Only the following commands are available in “Passive mode”:
  • 142: Get Roomba’s sensors;
  • 133-136: Cleaning cycles;
  • 140: Define a song;
  • 143: Seek the docking station;

All you need to do is to send the “Control” command (130) for changing back from “Passive mode” to “Safe mode”, and then you may send the driving commands.

There are two approaches for the solution:
  • Always send the change mode to “Safe mode” command (130) before the driving commands- This approach ensures that the driving commands will be executed even after the activation of the fail-safe mechanism.
    In case of changing the mode to the current mode, the command will be ignored.
    Pay attention- you must wait at least 20 milliseconds between sending one of the mode-changers commands and sending the driving commands;
    Use this solution if your robot-app doesn’t listen to sensor’s data otherwise, use the second approach;
  • Conditionally, send the change mode to “Safe mode” command (130).
    Send the “Control” command (130) for changing the mode to “Safe mode” only when the fail-safe mechanism has been activated after hitting something (or cliff).
    Start listening to sensor’s data. As soon as one of the sensors shows a danger (cliff, wall, bump…), send the “Control” command assuming the fail-safe mechanism has been activated and has changed the mode to “Passive mode”.
    In case the fail-safe mechanism has not been yet activated and the current mode is “Safe mode”, the command will be ignored.
    Use this approach only if your robot-app has already implemented the sensor’s data listener, otherwise, use the first approach;

The syntax of the driving command is:
[137] [Velocity high byte] [Velocity low byte] [Radius high byte] [Radius low byte]

For more information about Roomba driving check the How to Program Roomba to Drive tutorial.

For more information about Roomba’s modes, check the How to Program Roomba - Roomba Modes tutorial.
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