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Karotz WeatherRobot-App Page

Relevant Robots:
  • Aldebaran Robotics - KAROTZ
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Robot App™ Description

Karotz tells you the weather forecast (outlook, current and next-day temperatures) for your chosen cities.
Editor: Karotz...Violet

Installation Instructions

Delivered as:

This app is hosted on website.
1. Click the Download button above, Login to (Or create an account and configure your KAROTZ if you haven't done it so far...Then, click the Download button again.)

2. On Karotz website, press the download button and configure the scheduler or other activation method.


Robot App Requirements


Internet browser
Username and Password to Karotz website.
Internet connection configured on your KAROTZ.

Other requirements:

Don't forget to choose cities!

Usage Instructions

To launch this application, press the Karotz button and say "weather" when its light turns orange followed by the name of the selected profile. For this application, you can have several configuration profiles. A configuration profile is the word you use to launch the pre-configured application via voice command. It is important that this word is part of the language spoken by your Karotz so that it can be recognized. You must configure an application profile: - Enter the word in the "Profile name" box. - Enter the names of the country and city for which you'd like to receive the weather forecast. - Choose the unit of temperature: °C or °F.
Important: - pay attention to the spelling of names: if you make a mistake, Karotz will not be able to recognize the requested country or city. You can save a new profile by clicking on "New Profile". You can also delete previously created profiles by clicking on the small cross in the relevant profile icon. Choose the type of activation (besides voice command) by ticking the appropriate box: - Manual activation allows you to link a Flatnanoz or Nanoztag to the application. Each time you swipe a pre-programmed Flatnanoz or Nanoztag in front of Karotz's nose, it will launch its linked application. - Permanent activation allows you to launch the application as often as you choose (click on preferred frequency). - Scheduled activation allows you to launch the application via a calendar: you choose the date and time.

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