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Rovio DirectRobot-App Page

Relevant Robots:
  • WowWee - Rovio
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Robot App™ Description

RovioDirect is an alternative app for remote controlling your WowWee Rovio webcam robot.
It directly supports access and steering of the robot by the keys of your keyboard. Additional features are supported which you won't find in Rovios integrated html interface.
For example: full screen view, gained push to talk two way audio, playing predefined sounds, manual driving with obstacles avoiding, animated blue lights, motion detection, turns of 90 or 180 degree and precision control of the camera arm.

developer: Andreas

Installation Instructions

Delivered as:

Just run the downloaded file.


Robot App Requirements


Windows XP/Vista/7

PC with Windows OS
Other requirements:

Wifi network

Usage Instructions

Which keyboard keys are usable?

W, up - Robot moves forwards.
S, down - Robot moves backwards.
A, Ctrl+left - Robot moves to the left.
D, Ctrl+right - Robot moves to the right.
Q, left - Robot turns to the left.
E, right - Robot turns to the right.
Shift Press and hold Shift for a slower movement and ignoring obstacles.
1 The camera moves to position 1.
2 The camera moves to position 2.
3 The camera moves to position 3.
PageUp - The camera moves a smal step upwards.
PageDown - The camera moves a smal step downwards.
R, 4 - Robot turns 90 degrees to the left.
T, 6 - Robot turns 90 degrees to the right.
Backspace, 5 - Robot makes a turn by 180 degrees.
F, 7 - Robot toggles the front light.
Space - Press and hold spacebar to record your voice. Release spacebar to transfer your voice to the robot speaker.
H, 8 - Robot is playing an adjustable predefined sound on the robot speaker. See config.ini for more information.
Y - Robot is playing a "Yes" on the robot speaker.
N - Robot is playing a "No" on the robot speaker.
F2, 9 - Robot is starting the "going home and dock" action.
PrintScreen - RovioDirect is taking a snapshot and sending it to the clipboard.

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